Principal Engineer | Mentor

Cracking the Code to Success: The Dance of Consistency and Passion in the Real World

Hey folks! Let's dive into the rollercoaster ride of success, where failures often pave the way to something awesome. Ever had an idea that struck gold on day one? Nah, didn't think so. Because usually, success is a journey, not a sprint, and it involves a bit of trial and error.

So, what's the golden ticket? Consistency! Imagine your gym routine. Are you hitting the weights whenever you feel like it, or do you have a solid schedule, like Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays? If you're banking on your feelings, you might end up with a gym membership collecting dust. But if you stick to a routine, you're more likely to crush it, no matter how motivated you feel at the moment.

Now, I'm not saying throw your feelings out the window. It's more about crafting a schedule that can ride the waves of your future emotions. Tricky, right? But here's the deal – success thrives on consistency and not letting your feelings derail you.

But, hold up, can you be consistent with everything? Like, learn Japanese for 20 minutes, Mandarin for another 20, and then French? That's a tough juggling act. And that's where passion struts into the scene.

Passion, despite the cliché vibes, is when you find something you can stick with consistently, even if you can't put your finger on why. Take my gym story: lifting weights was a bust, but then I randomly tried bouldering. Now, I'm hooked, doing it three times a week, even scouting bouldering gyms in different countries. It's like a travel and climb kinda thing. Crazy, right?

Here's the kicker – you can't predict passion. So, ditch the 20-idea brainstorm and just dive into trying stuff. Sometimes, it takes time. The first week might be a blast, but by the second, it might feel like a snoozefest. And that's cool.

Passions can be fickle too. Like, I loved cycling during the pandemic, but now it's more of a once-in-a-while thing. Passion evolves, and that's part of the deal.

So, summing it up, success is this mix of being consistent and stumbling upon that mysterious thing you're passionate about. It's not about making lists or overthinking – just get out there, try things, and see what lights your fire. Life's an experiment, and success is the mad scientist concoction of consistency and passion.