Principal Engineer | Mentor
Moved to Gazar.Dev

Moved to Gazar.Dev

Moved to Gazar.Dev

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, I made a strategic decision to transition from the widely-used Medium platform to my own self-hosted website, This move was driven by a series of compelling reasons, each rooted in the pursuit of a more fruitful and flexible content creation journey.

The Medium Experience

Medium has been my primary content-sharing platform for some time, providing numerous advantages. However, as I progressed, several strategic concerns became evident, leading me to choose as my new digital home.

Enhanced Control Over Content

The foremost rationale behind my transition was the need for complete control over my content. While Medium offers a convenient platform, it operates within a predetermined framework. This limited my ability to customize and optimize the presentation of my content. empowers me to define the rules and tailor the user experience to a higher degree, a strategic move for creating a unique digital identity.

Branding and Personalization

In the realm of content creation, personal branding is pivotal. Medium, with its standardized templates and limited personalization options, constrained my ability to express my unique identity. My strategic move to allowed me to exercise creative control over the design and presentation of my website, transforming it into an extension of my brand identity and values.

Diversified Monetization

The Medium Partner Program offered a potential income stream, but it lacked the diversity and stability necessary for a strategic long-term approach. By hosting my own website, I opened doors to explore diverse monetization strategies, including mentorship working with a team of engineers, and e-commerce. This strategic diversification of revenue streams ensures a more resilient financial future.

Data Ownership and Privacy

In today’s digital age, concerns surrounding data ownership and user privacy have grown increasingly important. Medium’s handling of user data raised strategic questions about privacy. Migrating to allowed me to assume full control over user data and implement robust privacy measures that align with my ethical principles, reinforcing trust with my audience.

Future-Proofing Sustainability

The long-term sustainability of Medium and similar platforms posed a strategic concern. External changes, alterations in business models, or even the discontinuation of the platform could jeopardize the content I had created. In opting for, I made a calculated strategic move to future-proof my content, ensuring its accessibility and relevance regardless of external factors.


My strategic shift from Medium to my own website,, was underpinned by the pursuit of greater control, personalization, and financial stability. It was an intentional and forward-thinking move that allowed me to have complete ownership of my content and align it with my unique identity and principles. While Medium remains an effective platform for many content creators, my strategic decision to self-host was guided by a vision of independence and sustainability, enabling me to create, brand, and monetize content with flexibility and foresight.

