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How would you design an expense app?

How would you design an expense app?

Designing an expense app with varying approval flows based on user levels requires a thoughtful approach to user experience and system architecture. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to design such an app:

Approval Workflows:

Develop distinct approval workflows for each user level. For example:

  • Employees submit expenses for approval by their immediate supervisors.
  • Supervisors review and approve expenses submitted by their team members.
  • Department heads or finance managers review and approve expenses within their respective departments.

Allow for customization of approval workflows to accommodate variations in organizational structure and policies.

You can see in the picture above: that we need an ERD of the database, including flow, flowDetails, flowTracker and expense

Each expense needs tobe marked a flow (flow detection) and then later to be examined on that and to be showed to the boss.

By following these steps, you can design an expense app that meets the needs of users at different levels within the organization and streamlines the approval process for expense management.